How can I place my order?
How much does delivery cost?
It costs 40 LE within Cairo , 50 LE Alexandria , for more areas and details kindly check kindly check the SHIPPING & RETURNS page.
How long does delivery take?
Package will be delivered within 1 to 4 business days.
How can I pay my order?
You can pay via Cash on Delivery , or VISA. kindly check the SHIPPING & RETURNS page for more Details.
Can I refund or exchange the product?
Yes of course, we offer easy policy . Kindly check the SHIPPING & RETURNS page.
What if anything is wrong with the product after I received it?
Kindly send us a picture of the problem and send it to us in a private message to or Facebook or Instagram Page and we will offer you a FREE exchange with a completely new one.
Is it possible that I receive a product different that is shown in the pictures?
It is impossible and not an option to send you a product different from our pictures.
Can I see the product on the doorstep and return it with the courier and pay the shipping fees?
Yes this option is available via the shipping company.
Are the products are made with high quality?
All our products are made with High quality standards that satisfied thousands of our Serpenti clients.
Where are your products are made?
Our products are proudly made in Egypt.